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News > Alumni News > Vikas Shah MBE DL (OS 1999) is appealing for funds for Nova Kakhovka in South Ukraine

Vikas Shah MBE DL (OS 1999) is appealing for funds for Nova Kakhovka in South Ukraine

Vikas Shah MBE DL (OS 1999) is Chair of the charity In Place of War which is raising funds for Nova Kakhovka in South Ukraine
14 Mar 2022
Alumni News

As part of his many philanthropic activities Old Stopfordian Vikas Shah MBE DL (OS 1999) is Chair of the charity In Place of War, a global organisation that uses creativity in places of conflict as a tool for positive change. He recently shared an appeal for donations to Nova Kakhovka in South Ukraine:

Our charity, In Place of War, are raising funds for Nova Kakhovka - a small town in South Ukraine that was occupied in the first days of the war & where the situation is desperate. Residents are blocked from the outside world and no food or medical supplies are able to enter. We are in close contact with volunteers in the town coordinating, and 100% of donations raised will go directly to this effort.

If you would like to donate to this cause, you can visit the charity's Just Giving page here.

You can read more about In Place of War and the causes the charity supports here.

#Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #EmergencyAppeal #EmergencyFundraiser


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